
Showing posts from January, 2023

Ignite a Passion for Politics on a School Trip to London

 Ignite a Passion for Politics on a School Trip to London   Travel & Tourism School residential trips focused on politics in London should definitely include a visit to Parliament’s Education Centre. This innovative learning space, opened by the very popular Professor Brian Cox, aims to inspire youngsters to learn about politics while bringing them closer to the world of the politician. Hugely stimulating and creative, the environment in the centre invites children to totally immerse themselves in a unique experience that many may never otherwise consider. Facilities at The Centre Every learning space has a theme, which makes the visit more exciting and more amenable: The Commons, Lords, Monarchy and My Parliament. The first three rooms have augmented reality experiences within them. For example, in The Commons Sir Winston Churchill presents the Chamber, and in the Lords your group has the chance to look at a 3D model of the Chamber and learn about h ow the Yeoman Usher puts the ma